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LSIEL 46: Le subordinate non-finite in antico e medio irlandese: il tipo DP doNV

Product no.: ISBN 9783862886265
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Le subordinate non-finite in antico e medio irlandese: il tipo DP doNV

Emanuela Sanfelici
Università Goethe Frankfurt am Main

Il volume offre una trattazione del sistema di complementazione in antico e medio irlandese ed in particolare delle proprietà sintattiche e semantiche della struttura di modo non-finito qui siglata DP doNV. Da un lato, questo studio propone un’analisi quantitativa di questa struttura e permette quindi di proporre ipotesi empiricamente motivate sulla sua sintassi interna. Dall’altro, questa ricerca ha l’obiettivo di testare alcune generalizzazioni tipologiche e formali su una lingua relativamente poco studiata e considerata e da una prospettiva diversa, quella diacronica.

Dopo aver introdotto gli strumenti teorici di questo lavoro, nel capitolo I sono formulate sei predizioni riguardanti la struttura in esame che sono poi testate nel capitolo III. Il capitolo II delinea il sistema di complementazione in irlandese e chiarisce gli aspetti metodologici della raccolta dei dati su cui l’analisi quantitativa è basata. Il capitolo III presenta, descrive ed analizza i dati irlandesi dividendo le occorrenze in base alla classificazione sintattico-semantica dei tipi di predicato reggente ed in base alla sintassi interna del costrutto DP doNV. Infine, il capitolo 4 trae le conclusioni sistematizzando le tendenze emerse dal precedente capitolo e discute le predizioni formulate nel capitolo 1 con le conseguenti implicazioni teoriche. Agli specialisti di lingue celtiche questo volume fornisce la descrizione di una struttura che ha suscitato grande interesse per le sue caratteristiche sintattico-semantiche ed un’analisi quantitativa di dati diacronici finora considerati perlopiù soltanto da un punto di vista qualitativo. Ai linguisti in generale offre la verifica di generalizzazioni tipologiche e formali in diacronia ed un (ulteriore) esempio di forte connessione fra proprietà sintattiche e semantiche.

Emanuela Sanfelici è attualmente titolare di un assegno di ricerca post-dottorale presso lo Institut für Romanische Sprachen und Literaturen dell’Università Goethe Frankfurt am Main. Si occupa di vari aspetti di sintassi delle lingue indoeuropee antiche, in particolare di antico e medio irlandese, ittito e latino, oltre che di italiano antico e varietà italiane.

ISBN 9783862886265. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 45. 161pp. 2015.

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LSIEL 47: Syntaktische Rekonstruktion zwischen Kognition und Semantik

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887132
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Syntaktische Rekonstruktion zwischen Kognition und Semantik 
- das Fallbeispiel des Genitivs im Indogermanischen
Katharina Zipser
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Der Genitiv gilt gemeinhin als schwer zu klassifizierender Kasus. Weder bezüglich seiner formalen Gestalt, Herkunft und diachronen Entwicklung, noch bezüglich seiner Bedeutung oder Rolle im System herrscht Einigkeit.
Verantwortlich für den wissenschaftlichen Dissens sind auf formaler Seite der Synkretismus von Genitiv und Ablativ, außerdem die Konkurrenz, die der Genitiv durch das Adjektiv erfährt, sowie auf semantischer Seite die Vielzahl an Funktionen, die dieser Kasus adverbal und adnominal scheinbar zu übernehmen imstande ist.
Dieser Beitrag sichtet die wissenschaftliche Diskussion und versucht, der ,Genitiv-Frage‘ im Indogermanischen unter Beizug universaler Beobachtungen näher zu kommen.
Konkret wird der Ausdruck der Possessivität als zentrales Aufgabengebiet des Genitivs sowie eine Entstehung aus einem Lokalkasus, und zwar dem Ablativ, angenommen. Was die Verteilung von Genitiv und Adjektiv betrifft, die insbesondere im Plural formale Nähe zeigen, wird für ein ursprüngliches System von unmarkiertem Adjektiv versus markiertem Genitiv in einer intern rekonstruierten Vorstufe argumentiert. Dieses wird von geneuerten System mit markiertem Adjektiv versus unmarkiertem Genitiv abgelöst. Der Übergang  scheint im vergleichend rekonstruierten Indogermanischen noch im Gange befindlich zu sein, zumal sich in den unterschiedlichen Einzelsprachen uneinheitliche Markiertheitsverhältnisse von Genitiv und Adjektiv zeigen.
ISBN 9783862887132. LINCOM Studies In Indo-European Linguistics 47. 62pp. 2016.
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LSIEL 48: Le lexique latin herité en aroumain dans une perspective romane

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887248
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Le lexique latin herité en aroumain dans une perspective romane
Mariana Bara
Université Hyperion de Bucarest
Ouvrage déjà consulté dès sa première édition en 2004, source bibliographique pour le Dictionnaire Étymologique Roman DERom de 2014, Le lexique latin hérité en aroumain dans un perspective romane met en évidence l'importance de l'héritage latin en aroumain. Langue romane parlée aujourd'hui encore par plus d'un million de personnes dans les pays balkaniques et la diaspora en Europe, Amérique du Nord, Australie, l'aroumain est une des langues en danger : utilisée seulement pour la communication privée, enseignée sporadiquement dans des cours optionnels, véhicule d'une culture qui fait beaucoup d'efforts pour acquérir les dimensions de la modernité, surtout après l'ouverture des années '90, abandonnée dans beaucoup de cas par ignorance et volonté de s'intégrer dans les communautés alloglottes. Après avoir vérifié plus de deux mille mots aroumains considérés dans les travaux de spécialité du siècle passé comme remontant au latin, l'auteure retient un total de mille six cent dont l'origine est sûrement latine. Ensuite, elle réalise une comparaison romane au niveau du lexique représentatif, composé d'environ deux mille mots, dont presque la moitié d'origine latine.
Cette deuxième édition est enrichie d’observations sur l’usage des mots hérités du latin, sur leurs degrés différents de vitalité et en même temps sur leurs synonymes courants. Faute de moyens pour entreprendre une analyse sociolinguistique sur terrain, l'auteure trouve l’occasion de mettre à profit les rencontres avec les locuteurs aroumains de divers pays, les communications en ligne et les publications contemporaines dans sa langue maternelle.
Mariana Bara, aroumaine de Bucarest, linguiste et écrivain est l'auteur de nombreuses études et d'un livre de prose.
ISBN 9783862887248 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 48. 238pp. 2016.
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LSIEL 49: Subordination and Sentence Connectives in Old Hittite

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887347
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Subordination and Sentence Connectives in Old Hittite
A Corpus-based Study of Clause Linkage Strategies in Hittite
Guglielmo Inglese
Università di Pavia
This monograph offers a new investigation of the Old Hittite sentence connectives nušu, and ta, with a focus on their occurrence after subordinate clauses. Although this phenomenon is well known to Hittitologists, a comprehensive account of the synchronic function and the origin of this peculiar construction is still missing. This work aims at partly fulfilling this gap. Based on a detailed corpus analysis of original Old Hittite texts, the occurrence of connectives after subordinate clauses is synchronically investigated in order to assess its syntactic, semantics, or pragmatic motivations. Both quantitative and qualitative data are taken into account, and the discussion is framed within current trends in general and typological linguistics. This study also takes a closer look at the origin of this syntactic pattern, and discusses how the occurrence of connectives in different syntactic environments can be diachronically motivated, taking into consideration the diachronic typology of clause linkage strategies. Building on evidence collected throughout the work, it is argued that a correct understanding of the occurrence of connectives after subordinate clauses in Old Hittite leads to useful insights explaining post-Old Hittite developments in clause linkage, notably the expansion of nu and the eventual disappearance of šu and ta.
ISBN 9783862887347 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies  in Indo-European Linguistics 49. 242pp. 2016.

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LSIEL 50: Advances in Hindi Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Product no.: ISBN 9783862889020
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Advances in Hindi Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Ghanshyam Sharma (ed.)

This edited volume  Advances in Hindi Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics  brings together some carefully carried out experimental studies which diverge to explore new possibilities in the field of Hindi language teaching and applied Hindi linguistics. The 16 peer-reviewed research papers that make up this book come from a range of empirical perspectives and are arranged into two parts. The first part of the book contains 9 pieces which provide a snapshot of current research on the teaching of Hindi as second or foreign language. As a result, the book consists of papers written by both SLA researchers and experienced teachers of Hindi as a foreign language who with their first-hand knowledge assess the effectiveness of various teaching methods used in the classrooms. The second part consists of 7 articles which deal with Hindi grammar, bilingualism and code-mixing in Hindi as well as usages of Hindi in Indian politics. Through their in-depth analysis of empirical data from Hindi syntax, Theban and Popârlan claim that the Hindi language exhibits some unique syntactic typological characteristics which no other language does which every linguist interested in typological studies should become aware of. In addition, the volume includes also a detailed account of the phonology of Kanauji, one of major dialects of Hindi. Together these papers provide a rich and comprehensive account of the vitality of current research on Hindi.


Part 1: Hindi Language Teaching
Rajiv Ranjan
Challenges in Writing and Dynamic Corrective Feedback for Hindi Learners
Madri Kakoti
Examining acoustic space of vowels as a corresponding value to language proficiency level: A case study of the heritage learner of Hindi
Peter Friedlander
Teaching Hindi with comics  
Vijay K. Kaul, Asiya Zahoor
An alternative approach for teaching Hindi structures to foreign learner groups
Nidhi Mahajan
Learning Hindi through popular songs
Premlata Vaishnava
Storytelling: Teaching language through literature and culture
Mohammad J. Warsi
Toward a more effective pedagogy: Film as a pedagogical tool for teaching South Asian languages
Nora Melnikova
Hindi textbooks and Communicative Language Teaching in Central Europe
Pranjali Sirasao
Indian Folk Art in Hindi Language Teaching
Part 2: Applied Hindi Linguistics
Laurenţiu Theban, Sabina Popârlan
Description and Theoretical Utilization of Hindi Grammar in Romanian Linguistic Indology
Pankaj Dwivedi, Somdev Kar
Phonology of Kanauji
Satenik Mkhitaryan
Automatic identification of Hindi complex predicates for computer-aided reading tool
Sunil Kumar Bhatt
Bilingual situations in India: Power relations between languages analyzed through code-switching
Juhi Yasmeen, Shabana Hameed
Hindi and bilingualism: impacts of code-mixing in Hindi advertisements
Marijana Janjić
Hindi in the Lok Sabha: English parts, Hindi products
Anton Zykov
Modification of the Rajbhasha: simple vs pure Hindi and Narendra Modi’s Language
List of contributors
ISBN 9783862889020 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 50. 340pp. 2018.
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LSIEL 52: Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica

Product no.: ISBN 9783862900428
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Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica
Alessandra Petrocchi and Rex Wallace
University of Oxford, University of Massachusetts Amherst 
Il volume “Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica”, scritto a quattro mani da Alessandra Petrocchi e Rex Wallace, intende presentarsi come un’edizione italiana ed in parte rivisitata della grammatica delle lingue sabelliche pubblicata da Rex Wallace in inglese nel 2007 (Lincom Europa). Il presente manuale offre una prospettiva sulla grammatica delle lingue sabelliche parlate nell’Italia mediana antica e preromana; queste rappresentano un sottogruppo del gruppo delle lingue italiche appartenenti alla famiglia indoeuropea. Mantenendo lo stile conciso ma esauriente del precedente lavoro, questa edizione rivisitata si propone come una guida introduttiva per coloro che intendono approcciarsi alle lingue sabelliche. Il volume consiste in otto capitoli che spaziano dalla fonologia, morfologia e sintassi al lessico e all’esame delle iscrizioni sabelliche. Rispetto al volume in inglese, permane qui una simile impostazione metodologica e teoretica; si sono ampliate alcune sezioni e rianalizzato parte del materiale. Per esporre una prospettiva più estesa, si è inoltre dato spazio ad aspetti di linguistica indoeuropea; si è anche aggiunta una breve appendice che propone spunti di riflessione sulla teoria italo-celtica. La bibliografia finale offre una selezione degli studi pubblicati ampia ed aggiornata. Gli autori si augurano che questa edizione italiana allargata e rivisitata possa fornire delle basi solide per tutti coloro che intendono approfondire lo studio delle lingue sabelliche.
The volume “Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica”, co-authored by Alessandra Petrocchi and Rex Wallace, is a revised, updated Italian edition of Prof. Wallace’s successful English publication “The Sabellic Languages of Ancient Italy” (Lincom Europa, 2007). The textbook gives insight into the grammatical structure of the Sabellic languages ‒ a subgroup of the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family ‒ which were spoken in Pre-Roman Italy before Latin replaced them. The Italian volume consists of eight chapters, which cover various topics including the alphabets, phonology, morphology, syntax, nomenclature, lexicon, and a study of Sabellic inscriptions. Most of the chapters have been updated and expanded to incorporate supplementary matters; the grammatical sections have been fully revised to bring the subject matter up to date with recent publications. Unlike the English volume, the Italian edition contains footnotes to provide additional information. It also includes an appendix on the Italo-Celtic hypothesis and a full, extensive updated bibliography – which gives both in-text references and references to publications on Sabellic languages and the Italic group. In presenting this introductory grammar, the authors have tried to maintain a concise but comprehensive style while providing a solid grounding in the study of the Sabellic languages. Expanding upon the volume by Wallace, this new Italian edition is intended as a reference grammar for students and scholars of Classics and Historical Linguistics. It is hoped that students will find this volume a much-needed foundation for more advanced work in the grammar of Sabellian languages.
LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 52. 126pp. 2019.
ISBN 9783862900428 (Hardbound).
ISBN 9783862901616 (e-book, pdf).


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LSIEL 52: Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862901616
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Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica
Alessandra Petrocchi and Rex Wallace
University of Oxford, University of Massachusetts Amherst 
Il volume “Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica”, scritto a quattro mani da Alessandra Petrocchi e Rex Wallace, intende presentarsi come un’edizione italiana ed in parte rivisitata della grammatica delle lingue sabelliche pubblicata da Rex Wallace in inglese nel 2007 (Lincom Europa). Il presente manuale offre una prospettiva sulla grammatica delle lingue sabelliche parlate nell’Italia mediana antica e preromana; queste rappresentano un sottogruppo del gruppo delle lingue italiche appartenenti alla famiglia indoeuropea. Mantenendo lo stile conciso ma esauriente del precedente lavoro, questa edizione rivisitata si propone come una guida introduttiva per coloro che intendono approcciarsi alle lingue sabelliche. Il volume consiste in otto capitoli che spaziano dalla fonologia, morfologia e sintassi al lessico e all’esame delle iscrizioni sabelliche. Rispetto al volume in inglese, permane qui una simile impostazione metodologica e teoretica; si sono ampliate alcune sezioni e rianalizzato parte del materiale. Per esporre una prospettiva più estesa, si è inoltre dato spazio ad aspetti di linguistica indoeuropea; si è anche aggiunta una breve appendice che propone spunti di riflessione sulla teoria italo-celtica. La bibliografia finale offre una selezione degli studi pubblicati ampia ed aggiornata. Gli autori si augurano che questa edizione italiana allargata e rivisitata possa fornire delle basi solide per tutti coloro che intendono approfondire lo studio delle lingue sabelliche.
The volume “Grammatica delle Lingue Sabelliche dell’Italia Antica”, co-authored by Alessandra Petrocchi and Rex Wallace, is a revised, updated Italian edition of Prof. Wallace’s successful English publication “The Sabellic Languages of Ancient Italy” (Lincom Europa, 2007). The textbook gives insight into the grammatical structure of the Sabellic languages ‒ a subgroup of the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family ‒ which were spoken in Pre-Roman Italy before Latin replaced them. The Italian volume consists of eight chapters, which cover various topics including the alphabets, phonology, morphology, syntax, nomenclature, lexicon, and a study of Sabellic inscriptions. Most of the chapters have been updated and expanded to incorporate supplementary matters; the grammatical sections have been fully revised to bring the subject matter up to date with recent publications. Unlike the English volume, the Italian edition contains footnotes to provide additional information. It also includes an appendix on the Italo-Celtic hypothesis and a full, extensive updated bibliography – which gives both in-text references and references to publications on Sabellic languages and the Italic group. In presenting this introductory grammar, the authors have tried to maintain a concise but comprehensive style while providing a solid grounding in the study of the Sabellic languages. Expanding upon the volume by Wallace, this new Italian edition is intended as a reference grammar for students and scholars of Classics and Historical Linguistics. It is hoped that students will find this volume a much-needed foundation for more advanced work in the grammar of Sabellian languages.
LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 52. 126pp. 2019.
ISBN 9783862901616 (e-book, pdf).


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LSIEL 53: Proto-Indo-European Word Stress: Its Lithuanian Reflex

Product no.: ISBN 9783862900664
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Proto-Indo-European Word Stress: Its Lithuanian Reflex
Joseph Voyles & Charles Barrack
University of Washington
The development of Lithuanian word stress has long lent itself to misinterpretation. Many have considered it as somehow directly reflective of that of Proto-Indo-European (PIE).
The present study represents a dissent from this view. The reconstruction of PIE word stress is based on the evidence of Classical Sanskrit and Ancient Greek. An early morphologically conditioned rule is therefore posited which is then completely replaced (as in Sanskrit) or partially replaced (as in Greek) by some sort of phonologically conditioned rule.
This model is then applied to the Lithuanian data: in Lithuanian there is a partial retention of the original PIE morphologically conditioned rule with the addition of a phonologically conditioned rule which moves the stress to the left. But the Lithuanian rule moves the stress only one mora to the left (where 1 mora = a short vowel and 2 morae = a long vowel or diphthong). This change in its interaction with the other explicitly formulated changes from PIE into Lithuanian suffices to account for the Lithuanian stress patterns--namely the grave accent over a short stressed vowel, the acute accent over a long vowel or diphthong stressed on its first mora and finally the tilde (or circumflex) accent over a long vowel or diphthong stressed on its second mora.
Thus it has been demonstrated that the Lithuanian word-stress rule can be derived from that of PIE by reasonable and attested types of change. It should also be emphasized that the Lithuanian rule has undergone massive change from that of PIE and is therefore only faintly reflective of it.
LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 53. 246pp. 2020.
ISBN 9783862900664 (Hardcover).
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LSIEL 53: Proto-Indo-European Word Stress: Its Lithuanian Reflex (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862901470
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Proto-Indo-European Word Stress: Its Lithuanian Reflex
Joseph Voyles & Charles Barrack
University of Washington
The development of Lithuanian word stress has long lent itself to misinterpretation. Many have considered it as somehow directly reflective of that of Proto-Indo-European (PIE).
The present study represents a dissent from this view. The reconstruction of PIE word stress is based on the evidence of Classical Sanskrit and Ancient Greek. An early morphologically conditioned rule is therefore posited which is then completely replaced (as in Sanskrit) or partially replaced (as in Greek) by some sort of phonologically conditioned rule.
This model is then applied to the Lithuanian data: in Lithuanian there is a partial retention of the original PIE morphologically conditioned rule with the addition of a phonologically conditioned rule which moves the stress to the left. But the Lithuanian rule moves the stress only one mora to the left (where 1 mora = a short vowel and 2 morae = a long vowel or diphthong). This change in its interaction with the other explicitly formulated changes from PIE into Lithuanian suffices to account for the Lithuanian stress patterns--namely the grave accent over a short stressed vowel, the acute accent over a long vowel or diphthong stressed on its first mora and finally the tilde (or circumflex) accent over a long vowel or diphthong stressed on its second mora.
Thus it has been demonstrated that the Lithuanian word-stress rule can be derived from that of PIE by reasonable and attested types of change. It should also be emphasized that the Lithuanian rule has undergone massive change from that of PIE and is therefore only faintly reflective of it.
LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 53. 246pp. 2020.
ISBN 9783862901470 (e-book, pdf).
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LSIEL 54: Diacronia e sincronia del complementatore mi in siciliano

Product no.: ISBN 9783969390382
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Diacronia e sincronia del complementatore mi in siciliano
Vittorio Ganfi
Universita' degli Studi Roma Tre
Nel volume vengono presentati uno studio diacronico e una analisi sincronica del complementatore del siciliano nordorientale mi. Questa struttura ha ricevuto l’attenzione di molti studiosi, sia per la molteplicità di funzioni che mostra nelle varietà linguistiche in cui mi è impiegato (oltre a introdurre completive di vario tipo, può essere usato in frasi indipendenti per designare valori modali), sia per le ipotesi relative all’origine della struttura, che richiamano spesso l’apporto del sostrato greco. 
Nella sezione diacronica, viene indagata l’origine del complementatore attraverso l’analisi dei testi di siciliano antico, con particolare riferimento alle occorrenze dell’avverbio modu da cui è stato rianalizzato il mi contemporaneo. Lo studio dei testi antichi permette di ricostruire il percorso di grammaticalizzazione della struttura, chiarendo il ruolo di alcune caratteristiche formali e semantiche delle occorrenze di modu nel processo di reinterpretazione funzionale della costruzione. Nel quadro storico, vengono, inoltre, indagati i passaggi riconducibili a un ulteriore processo di costruzionalizzazione, alla base del radicamento degli impieghi di mi in proposizioni indipendenti (ovvero gli impieghi in insubordinata) per designare valori modali deontici. 
Nella sezione sincronica, vengono analizzati dati di prima mano ricavati da un corpus di interazioni spontanee. L’indagine mette in luce, primariamente, le proprietà strutturali e semantiche degli usi subordinanti di mi in siciliano nordorientale contemporaneo, mostrando i diversi gradi di incassamento delle proposizioni introdotte da mi, le restrizioni di selezione relative alla reggenza verbale, la posizione degli elementi nella clausola, i rapporti di coordinamento tra più proposizioni e i tempi selezionati nelle completive. L’ultima parte del lavoro è dedicata agli impieghi contemporanei di mi in insubordinata. L’analisi rivela che oggi il complementatore ha subito un ulteriore processo di reinterpretazione, che ha esteso l’impiego di mi alla designazione di valori modali epistemici.
ISBN 97839693900382 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 54. 184pp. 2021.
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