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LSIEL 36: Word Formation in Bengali

Product no.: ISBN 9783895863561
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Word Formation in Bengali

A Whole Word Morphological Description and its Theoretical Implications

Shishir Bhattacharja
University of Dhaka

This book has two agendas:(i) it presents a morphological description of Bengali, an Indo-European language spoken in South Asia and eventually (ii) examines whether the Whole Word Morphological theory (WWM) developed by Alan Ford & Rajendra Singh of the University of Montreal is an adequate model for such descriptions.

WWM claims that words do not have any internal hierarchical structure. Implicitly, units smaller than word (such as stem or affix) cannot exist and there is no need for multiple morphology like compounding, derivation, inflection or reduplication. A typical WWM view is that a good number of words of some lexicon are formally and/or categorically different and semantically related to each other. Whenever there exist at least two pairs of words based on the same formal difference, categorical affiliation and semantic relatedness, a particular (morphological) strategy becomes part of the morphological module of the speaker-hearer.This book, for instance, presents a morphological profile of Bengali constituted of the different aspects of its word-formation on the basis of a list of around 1200 strategies and in consequence shows that WWM is an adequate model for morphological description in general.

Shishir Bhattacharja, Ph.D. (Montreal) was trained in Linguistics and Indology at the University of Sorbonne, Paris. His main area of research is Syntax and Morphology. He has published several articles on Bengali grammar. His most recent book is Sanjanani Byakaraon (1998), a collection of articles, written in Bengali, on generative syntax. He has been working at the University of Dhaka as an Assistant Professor of French since 1995.

ISBN 9783895863561. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 36. 480pp. 2007.

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LSIEL 37: Comparative Graeco-Latin Sentence Syntax in view of the European Context

Product no.: ISBN 9783862880034
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Comparative Graeco-Latin Sentence Syntax in view of the European Context

Antonín Bartoněk
Masaryk University

In spite of many studies dealing with the individual Greek and Latin syntactical topics, a systematic comparative Graeco-Latin sentence syntax has remained without any global analysis so far. That is why the author started research into this area several years ago, aiming at a comparative analysis of the Greek and Latin dependent clauses, i.e. i) the subject/object clauses, ii) the adverbial clauses, and iii) the relative clauses, including their nominal equivalents such as infinitives, participles (L/G), as well as gerundia, gerundiva and supina I/II (L).

At the same time, he was dealing with a number of modern European languages, both Romance and Germanic, in comparison with Latin and its tradition, and the Slavonic languages predominantly in comparison with Ancient Greek (and Old Church Slavonic). The „didactic“ background of this activity was reflected in more than 550 selected sentences (ca. 300 Greek, some 260 in Latin) for practical language drill. – In 2008, A. Bartoněk published his Czech version of the present Comparative Syntax, dealing with all the above-said constructions, while analysing also the problems of both the deontic and epistemic sentence modality.

ISBN 9783862880034. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 37. 160pp. 2010.

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LSIEL 38: Nomi deverbali nel continuum nome/verbo: il caso del greco antico

Product no.: ISBN 9783862883141
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Nomi deverbali nel continuum nome/verbo: il caso del greco antico

Germana Olga Civilleri
Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare le strategie di derivazione di nomi da basi predicative – chiamati per semplicità “nomi deverbali” – nel greco antico, nel duplice intento di associare ad ognuna di queste uno specifico valore semantico (laddove esistente) e di sistematizzarle all’interno di un quadro coerente sulla base di parametri determinati. L’uso di uno specifico corpus ha consentito di delineare un quadro più chiaro delle relazioni tra i suffissi (differenze nel grado di produttività, opposizioni, distribuzioni complementari, sovrapposizioni). In virtù della sua ricchezza morfologica, inoltre, il greco antico costituisce un campo privilegiato per studiare i nomi deverbali, offrendo un ampio spettro di fenomeni: strategie concatenative e introflessive, produttive e non, semanticamente trasparenti e opache.

Del resto, questa ricerca colma una lacuna nella letteratura sull’argomento, nel campo specifico del greco antico. La fondamentale monografia di Chantraine ([1933] 1979), in effetti, offre una panoramica della formazione dei nomi in greco antico, senza approfondire nessuna categoria. Benveniste (1948) si concentra solo su pochi suffissi, peraltro in una prospettiva indoeuropeistica classica. Altri lavori più o meno recenti riguardano specifici suffissi o gruppi di suffissi. Ma manca una visione d’insieme delle varie regole di derivazione. Inoltre molti dei lavori sui singoli suffissi hanno lo scopo di inserire i casi specifici nel quadro della ricostruzione dell’indoeuropeo; questo lavoro, invece, prescinde dalle questioni comparatistiche classiche, studiando il greco in prospettiva sincronica.

ISBN 9783862883141. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 38. 249pp. 2012.

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Product no.: ISBN 9783862883547
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Giuseppina Turano, Rami Memushaj, Flora Koleci (eds.)
Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia

This volume is a collection of articles dealing with different aspects of Albanian syntax. It brings together eleven original papers (written in Albanian andin English) which cover a wide range of interesting topics such as case-marking on nouns and pronouns; relations Agree and Concord between articles, adjectives and nouns inside the DP-structure; anaphors and binding; NP-movement and raising; the syntax of applicatives, predicative structures and restrictive relative clauses; the acquisition of English reflexives by native Albanian speakers; the distribution and the syntax of clitics.

All contributions adopt the basic theoretical tenets and methodology of the generative grammar approach, from the Government and Binding theory to the subsequent development of the Minimalist Program and the Bare Phrase structure.

The papers in this volume, which combine descriptive facts and theoretical questions, offer a representative picture of what the syntactic system of Albanian looks like and demonstrate that Albanian provides a fertile ground for the exploration of various aspects of theoretical linguistics.

This volume will be of interest to both students of Albanian linguistics and specialists working within generative syntax.

Table of Contents:











CLITICIZATION: EXTERNAL OR INTERNAL MERGE? Revisiting the syntax of (Albanian) clitics

ISBN 9783862883547. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 39. 192 pp. 2012.

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LSIEL 40: La sintassi dei modificatori nominali in Latino

Product no.: ISBN 9783862883837
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La sintassi dei modificatori nominali in Latino

Rossella Iovino
Università Ca’Foscari Venezia

Il volume offre una trattazione della sintassi dei modificatori nominali in latino. Dopo aver passato in rassegna le diverse realizzazioni dell’aggettivo in lingue tipologicamente diverse, il Capitolo I delinea una storia di questa classe di parole, così come si può ricostruire dalle testimonianze antiche. Il Capitolo II offre uno status quaestionis relativo allo studio della sintassi nominale latina nei diversi ambiti della linguistica moderna. I Capitoli III, IV e V propongono un’analisi sintattica degli elementi costitutivi dell’espressione nominale latina: dimostrativi, possessivi, complementi al genitivo, aggettivi ed espressioni di quantità. La formalizzazione dei dati presentati segue sempre l’analisi empirica. L’assunto alla base di questo lavoro è che l’ordine delle parole in latino non sia casuale, ma, al contrario, rispetti la gerarchia di inserimento di ciascun elemento in una struttura sintattica che si sviluppa dal basso verso l’alto, e che è universale. Il libro è rivolto sia ai linguisti che si occupano di sintassi nominale sia ai classicisti.

Rossella Iovino è attualmente titolare di un assegno di ricerca post-dottorale presso il Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati dell’Università Ca’Foscari Venezia. Si occupa di sintassi delle espressioni nominali latine sia in sincronia sia in diacronia nel passaggio dal latino alle lingue romanze, oltre che di questioni di didattica del latino.

ISBN 9783862883837. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 40. 271pp. 2012.

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Product no.: ISBN 9783862883790
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Roman Sukač & Ondřej Šefčík (eds.)

The conception of this volume goes back to the 2010 Sound of Indo-European 2 (SIE2) conference that took place in Opava, Czech Republic. The session which followed in the series after the previous successful conference held in Copenhagen 2009 was dedicated to various aspects of Indo-European phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics. The papers dealt with questions relating to both the Indo-European protolanguage and specific branches of the Indo-European family. The program of the conference consisted of 40 papers, including five invited talks (Alexander Lubotsky, Gerhard Meiser, Norbert Oettinger, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Roger D. Woodard). Twenty-three papers of those presented at the conference appear in their revised version in this volume. The common denominator is historical linguistics, but some authors also extended their research into modern (mor)phonological theories. Being a selection of representative papers in Indo-European linguistics and following the tradition started in Copenhagen, the book will be valuable to all scholars interested in Indo-European linguistics.


Ján Bakyta
Die Langdiphtonge im Altgriechischen (mit einem Ausblick auf das Urindogermanische)

Václav Blažek, Irén Hegedüs
On the position of Nuristani within Indo-European

Jan Bičovský
Satemization as a conditioned push-chain-shift

Davide Bertocci
Survivings of the *-eH1- stative morphology in Umbrian and Latin

Ioana Costa
A Dacian deictic?

Jón Axel Harðarson
Der Optativ im Urindogermanischen und Germanischen

Máté Ittzés
Initial y in the Rigveda

Jay H. Jasanoff
Did Hittite have si- imperatives?

Götz Keydana
Brugmann's law and the role of perception in sound change

Ronald Kim
The PIE thematic animate accusative plural revisited

Martin Kümmel
The distribution of roots ending in IE *ND

Alexander Lubotsky
Dissimilatory loss of i in Sanskrit

Rosemarie Lühr
The structure of nominal paradigms in Indo-European languages

Gerhard Meiser
Saturnus: Herr der Zeit

H. Craig Melchert
Luvo-Lycian dorsal stops revisited

Biliana Mihaylova
On the reflex of word initial RHV- in Greek

Norbert Oettinger
Zur Frage der Rekonstruktion des Urgriechischen und anderere Protosprachen

Georges-Jean Pinault
Sound laws and the suffix of the PIE "middle" participle

Corinna Scheungraber
Wurzelauslautvariationen bei westgermanischen Nasalinfixverben

Roman Sukač
A note on the bifurcation of the *VHDstructure into Balto-Slavic and Latin

Ondřej Šefčík
On the integration of Old Indo-Aryan voiceless aspirants

Elena Triantafilis
Negative (nē, nī, nei...) particles between Latin and Indo-European: morphonological remarks

Tomasz Wiśniewski
Two divergent features of Northern West Slavic: *ărH- distinct from *ra-, unrounded *ăN

Roger D. Woodard
Labiovelar development in Greek and an alphabetic repercussion

ISBN 9783862883790 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 41. 319pp. 2012.

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LSIEL 42: Estructuras impersonales en la lengua latina

Product no.: ISBN 9783862884445
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Estructuras impersonales en la lengua latina

Eugenia Mangialavori Rasia

Universidad Nacional de Rosario/CONICET

El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el relevo y descripción de las estructuras impersonales en la lengua latina del período clásico, teniendo como eje a las diversas características léxicas y sintácticas (considerando que las precisiones morfológicas por sí mismas no resultan relevantes en la configuración de la impersonalidad). Se analizarán definiciones y delimitaciones aportados por las gramáticas latinas, y se considerará crucial la ampliación con datos tomados de gramáticas de lenguas modernas (especialmente el español, como lengua moderna derivada de la latina) dentro de una perspectiva tradicional, salvo en los casos en que el enfoque generativista aporte datos que no puedan ser desestimados (e.g., movimientos transformacionales, ligamientos en FomaLógica, etc.). Se distinguen dos grupos principales de acuerdo al grado de complejidad sintáctica.

El primer grupo corresponde a los verbos llamados terciopersonales (i.e., verbos con estructuras léxicas en las que la posición de sujeto no puede ser saturada en la sintaxis explícita y que construyen defectivamente en 3sg.).

La segunda categoría nuclea una variada gama de estructuras posibles y relativamente frecuentes en el latín clásico. Dentro de esta clase, las oraciones pasivas no agentivas gozarán de un tratamiento detallado, ya que (i)su altísima frecuencia de uso en la lengua latina —sin paralelos en lenguas modernas como el italiano o el español—, sumada a (ii)las peculiaridades en el plano sintáctico (posibilidad de los verbos intransitivos de construcción con morfemas pasivos como característica peculiar de la lengua latina) les confieren una relevancia particular.

ISBN 9783862884445. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Studies 42. 107pp. 2013.

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LSIEL 43: Il vocativo nel processo identitario dell’interazione linguistica Prospettive dalle ...

Product no.: ISBN 9783862884506
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Il vocativo nel processo identitario dell’interazione linguistica Prospettive dalle lingue classiche

Margherita Donati
Università degli Studi di Pisa

Questo libro intende colmare la lacuna relativa all’assenza di monografie sulla categoria del vocativo nel panorama scientifico attuale. Prendendo le mosse dalle lingue classiche, Margherita Donati mostra come l’analisi del vocativo renda possibile una serie di riflessioni teoriche sulle forme allocutive del nome e sul ruolo dell’interlocutore nel processo identitario dell’interazione linguistica, in cui il tu è il polo opposto e costitutivo dell’io.

Un approccio teorico nuovo alla questione del vocativo ha consentito anche un approccio nuovo ai testi classici, scaturito dall’interazione tra Apollonio Discolo e Prisciano da un lato e Benveniste dall’altro, tra la riflessione sulla categoria di persona e la grande innovazione teorica della seconda metà del Novecento, che si riassume nel superamento della dicotomia saussuriana langue/parole. L’opera benvenistiana segna infatti la nuova consapevolezza della necessità di una linguistica che studi la relazione di osmosi tra sistema e discorso.

In una ricerca storiografica fondata nella lettura diretta e filologicamente rigorosa di testi che spaziano dagli Stoici ai giorni nostri, si chiarisce come il vocativo individui una precisa zona di interfaccia tra grammatica e pragmatica, interpretabile alla luce del concetto benvenistiano di persona vs non persona.

Lo studio, analizzando specifici fenomeni delle lingue latina e greca relativi all’uso del vocativo, rappresenta una doppia conferma della necessità di pensare i fenomeni della lingua tenendo conto dei due piani inscindibili del sistema e del discorso, sia in sincronia che in diacronia.

Margherita Donati (1981) si è laureata presso l’Università di Pisa ed ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in Linguistica presso l’Università Roma Tre. Dal 2008 al 2011 è stata professore a contratto di Filologia Latina all’Università “G. Marconi” di Roma e nel 2012 assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università per Stranieri di Perugia. Dal 2010 svolge attività di ricerca presso l’Università di Pisa. I suoi interessi scientifici si collocano principalmente all’interno della linguistica storica, con particolare attenzione alle lingue classiche. Recentemente ha svolto attività di ricerca anche nel quadro teorico della linguistica cognitiva.

ISBN 9783862884506. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 43. 174pp. 2013.

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LSIEL 44: Das Kausativ im Tocharischen

Product no.: ISBN 9783862884735
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Das Kausativ im Tocharischen

Ilja Serzant
Universität Konstanz

Das Buch behandelt das morphologische Kausativ in den zwei tocharischen Sprachvarianten West- und Osttocharisch. Die Materialbasis für diese Untersuchung liefert ein zusammengestelltes Korpus (dokumentiert im Kapitel V des Buches). Die Abhandlung ist linguistisch und sprachhistorisch und nicht philologisch orientiert. Sowohl eine synchrone, funktionalistisch angelegte Beschreibung des Kausativs als auch dessen diachrone Analyse werden angestrebt.

Dabei wird die traditionelle Beschreibung des tocharischen Kausativs, die von zwei morphologisch unterschiedlichen Kausativbildungen ausgeht, dahingehend revidiert, dass das vorliegende Beschreibungsmodell von nur einem Kausativ und einer neuen Kategorie Inagentiv ausgeht. Eine solche Beschreibung des tocharischen derivationellen Diathesensystems ermöglicht – im Gegensatz zur traditionellen Beschreibung – die Zahl der Ausnahmen bis auf einige wenige zu reduzieren. Der Ansatz der neuen Kategorie Inagentiv wird zudem diachron untermauert.

Der diachrone Teil beinhaltet die historische Analyse der kausativen Morphologie und Funktion. Hier werden einige Aspekte neu interpretiert: die sog. sekundäre Palatalisation (typisch für die kausativen Präterita im Westtocharischen) wird – anders als bisher – als eine reguläre phonologische Erscheinung erklärt; einige bisher nicht erkannte Reduplikationsbildungen werden aufgezeigt; einige alte Perfektformen werden nachgewiesen und entsprechend aus dem Kausativ entfernt (diese weisen lediglich morphologische jedoch nicht semantische Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Kausativ auf). Es wird ferner argumentiert, dass das morphologische Kausativparadigma ursprünglich im Tocharischen eine viel breitere Lesartenpalette aufwies. So hatte dieses Paradigma wohl ursprünglich allgemeinere Bedeutung wie etwa das Subjekt nimmt willentlich und bewusst am Ereignis teil. Die kausative Funktion stellt historisch eine Verengung dieser breiteren Bedeutung dar.

ISBN 9783862884735. LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 44. 298pp. 2014.

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LSIEL 45: Chrestomathy of Ancient Greek Dialect Inscriptions

Product no.: ISBN 9783862886074
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Chrestomathy of Ancient Greek Dialect Inscriptions


Antonín Bartoněk
Masaryk University


The submitted monograph draws on prof. Bartoněk´s older Czech monograph „Dialekty klasické řečtiny = The Dialects of Classical Greek”, Brno, Munipress, 2009, and presents the translation of his most recent „Chréstomatie starořeckých nářečních nápisů = The Chrestomathy of Ancient Greek Dialect Inscriptions“, Brno 2011. This publication links 174 selected Ancient Greek inscriptions written in ca. 30 Greek dialects, which have been distributed into 5 main Ancient Greek dialect groups (1: Mycenaean Greek, used between 1400-1200 BC on the island of Crete, the Greek mainland /and sporadically even in Asia Minor and Israel/; 2: Attic-Ionic, 3: Arcadian-Cypriot, 4: Aeolic, 5: West Greek (or Doric in wider sense), documented since ca. 800 BC down to the 3rd -5th cent. AD, both in Greece and the Greek colonization regions of the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas).


The selected Ancient Greek inscriptions are presented both in Classical Greek originals and in modern English translations, endowed with brief grammatical commentaries and provided with ca. 60 figures and diagrams - offering in such way an abundant picture of the Ancient Greek dialect relations, including the basic pieces of information on the linguistic classification of individual Ancient Greek dialects. Thematically are the inscriptions considerably varied from inscriptions of religious, historical, economic or juridical contents to moralistic or quite comical memoranda or records of private or fully banal character .


Prof. dr. Antonín Bartoněk, DrSc. (born 29. 10. 1926 in Brno /Czech Republic/) is Professor of Classical Philology at Masaryk University in Brno. He deals predominantly with the oldest form of Ancient Greek, epigraphically documented in the second half of the 2nd millennium BC – the so-called Mycenaean Greek, written in syllabic Linear B script and representing an ancient Greek dialect, which has been deciphered by M. Ventris and J. Chadwick in 1952. During his stay at the Heidelberg University, A. Bartoněk published the first complex encyclopaedia of this dialect („Handbuch des mykenischen Griechisch“, Universitätsverlag Carl Winter, Heidelberg 2003, 676 pages; translated to Czech, Brno 2007, and Modern Greek, Thessaloniki 2015).


Other fields of A. Bartoněk´s research are the following: ethno-linguistic development of Ancient Greek and Latin (Grundzüge der altgriechischen mundartlichen Frühgeschichte, Innsbruck 1991), Homerology, Ancient Greek dialectology (in cooperation with Chr. Tzitzilis, A. Bartoněk prepares presently a collective two-volume monograph „Archaies ellinikes dialektoi“ to be published shortly at the University of Thessaloniki), Ancient Greek colonization of the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas, the languages in Ancient Italy, comparative analysis of Greek and Latin against the contemporary European languages („A Comparative Graeco-Latin Sentence Syntax within the European Context“, München, Lincom 2010).


The submitted monograph draws on prof. Bartoněk´s older Czech monograph „Dialekty klasické řečtiny“, Brno, Munipress, 2009, and presents the translation of his most recent „Chréstomatie starořeckých nářečních nápisů“, Brno 2011, which links 173 selected Ancient Greek inscriptions written in ca. 25 Greek dialects (incl. modern translations, grammatical commentaries and 58 figures and diagrams), offering in such way a complex dialect classification of Ancient Greek.


ISBN 9783862886074 (Hardbound). LINCOM Studies in Indo-European Linguistics 45. 285pp (58 illustrations). 2015.


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