41 - 50 of 55 results

LINGram 82: Lehr und Lesebuch der Siamesischen Sprache (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887743
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Lehr- und Lesebuch der Siamesischen Sprache
und Deutsch-Siamesisches Wörterbuch  zum Selbststudium mit Phonetischer Aussprachenbezeichnung, Übungsaufgaben und Lesebuch
F.J. Wershoven                                                                                                                   
Das Buch behandelt die Umgangssprache des täglichen Lebens. So ist das Buch nicht nur für die praktische Spracherlernung bestimmt, sondern wird auch den Philologen willkommen sein, welche die charakteristischen Eigenschaften der einsilbigen ostasiatischen Sprache kennen zu lernen wünschen.
The grammar focuses on phonology (consonants, vowels, intonation, accentuation), nominal and verbal morphology, offers some texts and a dictionary (2500 entries).
(Re-edition; originally published 1892 in Wien; written in German)                                 
LINCOM Gramatica 82. 201pp. 2016. 
ISBN 9783862887743 (e-book, graphic pdf).
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LINGram 202: Traité de Kiluba-Sanga (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887781
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Traité de Kiluba-Sanga
tel qu’il est parlé au Secteur du Haut-Luapula (Katanga) et régions limitrophes
J.-M. Jenniges
Table des matiéres: Grammaire (Lexigraphie. Du nom (Des classes des noms. Du genre des noms. De l’accord des noms). De l’adjectif. Du pronom. Du verbe (Paradigmes de conjugaison. Des temps et des Modes). De l’adverbe. De la préposition. De la conjonction. Interjections). Syntaxe. (Re-edition. Originally published 1908 in Congo).
LINCOM Gramatica 202. 50pp. 2017.
ISBN 9783862887781 (e-book, graphic pdf).
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LINGram 203: Grammatik der Ponapesprache (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887804
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Grammatik der Ponapesprache
Max Girschner
Die Ponapesprache gehört der Austronesischen Sprachgruppe an und hat Verwandtschaft mit den übrigen mikronesischen, insbesondere der auf den Zentralkarolinen verbreiteten Sprache; doch sind die Abweichungen so groß, dass die Bewohner von Truk und Ponape sich gegenseitig nicht verstehen. Der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der Dialekt von Kiti (im Süden gelegen) zugrunde gelegt, weil die Bevölkerung dieser Landschaft die zahlreichste ist.
Inhalt: Die Laute der Sprache. Die Betonung. Assimilation. Hauptwort. Wesens- und Gestaltbezeichnungen. Das Fürwort. Das Eigenschaftswort. Das Zahlwort. Das Verbum. Das Umstandswort. Das Verhältniswort. Das Bindewort. Das Fragewort. Das Aufrufungswort. Satzbildung. (Re-edition. Originally published 1906 in Berlin).
LINCOM Gramatica 203. 64pp. 2017.
ISBN 9783862887804 (e-book, graphic pdf).
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LINGram 204: Quelques principes grammaticaux de la langue Fang (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887774
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Quelques principes grammaticaux de la langue Fang
Table des matières: Orthographie. Pronunciation. Du nom ( Du genre. Du nombre (six classes). De l’adjectif. Des adjectifs numéraux. Des adjectifs démonstratifs. Des adjectifs possessifs. Du pronom. Du verbe. Interrogation et negation (Re-edition. Originally published 1884 in Paris).
LINCOM Gramatica 204. 63pp. 2017.
ISBN 9783862887774 (e-book, graphic pdf).
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LINGram 205: Le dialecte de Sämnān (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887767
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Le dialecte de Sämnān.
Essai d’une Grammaire Sämnānīe avec un Vocabulaire et quelques Textes
Arthur Christensen
L’étude des dialectes est, pour la philologie iranienne, d’une importance particulière. Dans la langue persane, beaucoup de vocables iraniens ont disparu et ont été remplacés par des mots arabes, et notre connaissance des langues anciennes de l’Iran est, malgré tout ce que les recherches archéologiques des dernières années nous ont apporté de nouveau de l’Asie centrale, très fragmentaire. Les dialectes vivants doivent être mis à contribution pour combler les lacunes, dans la mesure du possible.
Un des dialectes iraniens qui ont été le moins examinés, est celui de la population de la ville de Sämnān, située à 200 kilomètres environ à l’est de Téhéran. Il est assez singulier, que ce dialecte, parlé à peu de distance de la capitale de la Perse, ait captivé si peut l’intérêt des savants européens : le sämnāni s’écarte tellement des autres dialectes de la Perse, que le les persans disent, qu’ils comprennent, sans les avoir étudiés, les autres dialectes de leur pays, comme le māzändärāanī, le gīlākī etc., mais quand les Sämnānīs parlent leur dialecte, ils n’en comprennent absolument rien (de la préface).
Table des matières: Les sons (Remarques sur les Voyelles/Consonnes, Accentuation), Verbes, Articles, Substantifs, Adjectifs, Noms de Nombres, Pronoms, Prépositions et Postpositions, Adverbes, Conjonctions et Interjections, Vocabulaire, Textes, Notice sur les Patois de Sängsar et de Lāsgird (Re-edition. Originally published  1915 in Kopenhagen).
LINCOM Gramatica 205. 76pp. 2017.  
ISBN 9783862887767 (e-book, graphic pdf).
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LINGram 206: Essai de Grammaire de la Langue de Viti (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862887750
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Essai de Grammaire de la Langue de Viti
D’Apres les Manuscripts des Missionaires Maristes Coordonnées
Viti est un langage jusque-là insuffisamment explorée qui était parlée au Nigeria, en particulier dans l'Etat de Taraba.
Table des matières: Alphabet. Diverses Classes de Mots Employés dans le Discours à Viti (articles, pronoms, noms ou substantifs, adjectifs, verbes, adverbes, prépositions, conjonctions, interjections, particules explétives). Construction des Mots dans le Discourse (Textes avec Traduction (Lettre d’un Catéchiste, Indigène de Viti, au Missionaire Catholique, etc.). Phrases de Conversations Usuelles. Prières). (Re-edition. Written in French. Originally published 1884 in paris).
LINCOM Gramatica 206.  144pp. 2017.
ISBN 9783862887750 (e-book, graphic pdf).
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LSASL 57: Topic Chains in Chinese (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862889754
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Topic Chains in Chinese
Wendan Li
University of North Carolina

Chinese is a discourse-oriented language. It has relatively few morphological and syntactic rules, but more constructions and strategies at the discourse level for the organization of text. The topic chain is such a structure at the discourse level in which clauses are linked not by conjunctions, but by coreferential relationships between overt topic noun phrases and unspecified noun phrases in adjacent clauses. Since the topic chain is used frequently in Chinese, the understanding of the structure is important to the understanding of the language. This book analyzes the structural characteristics of topic chains, their functions in discourse organization and their commonly occurring patterns.

It demonstrates how the patterns are used either individually or in combination to build up units of text at the discourse level. The analysis also has its practical application in second language teaching. It is shown in the second part of the book that the patterns of topic chains can be used as a transitional measure to lead students’ production from the clause to the discourse level. The study is an attempt to investigate how discourse patterns, structures and strategies can be effectively taught in second language classrooms to reflect the discourse-oriented nature of the Chinese language. It bridges the gap between linguistic analysis and language pedagogy.

LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics 57. 239pp. 2005
ISBN 9783895863714 (print)

ISBN 9783862889754 (e-book, pdf)

Browse these categories as well: ebooks, LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics (LSASL)

LSCHL 10: A Dictionary of Slang among Chinese Youth (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862889778
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A Dictionary of Slang among Chinese Youth
Yuntong Liu
International School of Tongji University
With the development of information technology, young people find more and more opportunities to express themselves in this world. For them language is not only a means to express themselves, but also a means to redefine the language and world around them. Tens of thousands of new words have been created by the present-day Chinese youth and have been circulating among themselves. This dictionary provides a lexical inventory of items used by the present-day Chinese young people. It describes some 1,000 items in a clear and simple way.
This dictionary is not a dictionary in the usual sense. It tries to give a brief explanation to slang words or phrases that young people frequently use. We try to explain in plain English, taking both native English speakers and ESL (English as Second Language) speakers as our readers.
This dictionary targets foreign students, journalists, and others interested in China and Chinese language and culture. To understand Chinese, it is better to understand its young people first. They are most active and courageous group within China and vividly present the changing thoughts and emotions in present China.
LINCOM Studies in Chinese Linguistics 10. 121pp. 2016.
ISBN 9783862889778 (e-book, pdf)
Browse these categories as well: ebooks, LINCOM Studies in Chinese Linguistics (LSCHL)

LSASL 27: Chinese Historical Phonology (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862889761
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery

Chinese Historical Phonology
A Compendium of Beijing and Cantonese Pronunciations of Characters and their Derivations from Middle Chinese

John Newman & Anand V. Raman
Massey University; John Hopkins University
This volume is an explicit summary of the phonological histories of Beijing and Cantonese dialects, based on earlier accounts proposed by Matthew Chen and John Newman and which appeared in the Journal of Chinese Linguistics (1976, 1984/1985). Approximately 2,700 characters appear here with their Middle Chinese reconstructions (the 'Simplified Middle Chinese' reconstructions proposed by Chen) and arranged by their Middle Chinese rime, initial, and tone class. For each character, the complete derivations (as sequences of rule labels) from Middle Chinese to Beijing pronunciation and from Middle Chinese to Cantonese pronunciation are given, including indications of exceptional application or non-application of rules. A full statement of the regular phonological rules referred to in the derivations is provided. The meanings of the characters (in English) are also included. A Hanyu Pinyin-Middle Chinese index enables the reader to determine the Middle Chinese reconstruction from the Hanyu Pinyin representation. The detail of Beijing and Cantonese phonological histories is here made accessible to linguists outside the specialist field of Sinology. The material is explicit, comprehensive, and transparent in a way which will be appreciated by Sinologists and non-Sinologists alike.

LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics 27. 300pp. 1999.

ISBN 9783895865435 (paperback).

ISBN 9783862889761 (e-book, pdf).

Browse these categories as well: ebooks, LINCOM Studies in Asian Linguistics (LSASL)

LSPh 25: Italian Pronunciation & Accents (e-book)

Product no.: ISBN 9783862902071
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery

Italian Pronunciation & Accents
Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics & Tonetics Method
Luciano Canepari
Università cà Foscari di Venezia
This book applies the principles of Natural Phonetics & Tonetics to describe the pronunciation of Italian, including intonation, in a precise way never found in earlier treatises. It includes an introduction to the Natural Phonotonetics Method, which can be used for any other language, as well (without the sadly known limitations of official IPA).
The vowels, consonants, structures, and intonation of Italian are fully described and transcribed, with many examples of words, sentences, and conversations, in addition to the intonationally integrated IPA sample passage ‘The North Wind and the Sun’.
Six chapters provide transcriptions for the vowels, consonants, gemination, and intonation, including several literary texts. Different types of Italian pronunciation are fully described (with clear phonic maps): international, neutral, traditional, mediatic. 22 regional accents are also fully described, with many internal variants. Almost 45 foreign accents, 26 languages, and 33 Italian traditional dialects are presented concisely, but accurately. Latin is also fully described, including concise diachronic stages.
LINCOM Studies in Phonetics 25. 570pp. 2018.
ISBN 9783862902071 (e-book).
Browse these categories as well: ebooks, Phonetic Sciences
41 - 50 of 55 results